Tuesday 9 October 2012

a clean room = a clear mind??

Hi guys!

Some of you may recall that I moved back home over two months ago now. In fact the start date of my new job was August the 1st (nice and easy to remember!). I really can't believe how fast the time has gone but also the fact that I'm still  living out of a suitcase!! Not entirely true, it's more like two suitcases and some boxes, but you get the gist. It's getting a bit ridiculous now. It's gone beyond ridiculous.

Therefore I have decided to be firm with myself this week, I have the rest of the week off and I have decided that I'm going to embark on somewhat of an organisation project. Let's face it..I really need to!

Has anyone else heard the quote/saying a clean house equals a clear mind?? (or something to that effect). Well I personally think it holds true. If my surroundings are clean and tidy, there's a  much more positive energy within the room, which helps me to focus.

My head has been very scattered of late and i'm hoping that not only will this project help me to find my clothes more easily in the mornings..but will also help to clear my mind.

What are your thoughts on this? Is there some sense to what i'm saying or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Sita xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to wish me luck with the cleaning! ;) 


  1. I also believe that a clean and neat space will make positive energies flow :)

    Thats another thing that my room is neat and clean only for few hours and gets messy super soon :P

    I'm trying to be better... :D

    1. I'm exactly the same! It's not long before it gets messy again, but i'm going to try better this time to keep it tidy as well :)

  2. hey, good luck with the cleaning! :)

  3. Best of luck for the cleaning.!!!!

  4. Good luck babe!

  5. Yes, I like that saying.In feng shui closets are connected to your innermost, your deepest and often hidden feelings about yourself.Clear clutter - clear mind.
    Have a lovely week.

    Dusana :-)


    1. I'm glad that there is in fact some theory to what I was saying :)

  6. Hi! Randomly found your blog and I love your style. You and your sister are very stylish! ^_^

    Best of luck with the cleaning!

    Could we follow each other to keep in touch? :D

    Have a great week!


  7. much fun by cleaining your room :D hehehe ♥♥

  8. I must do that too!!:p would you like to follow each other on GFC, bloglovin and maybe facebook?? let me know dear:))


  9. Really nice post. I belive the same.


  10. Replies
    1. I will do Francesca! I have always wanted to visit Italy haha ;)


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