Monday 27 May 2013

going cruelty-free and veggie: cosmetic inventory

Before going through all our products we did not realise just how many companies test on animals. It is unbelievable given that there are alternatives to animal testing. 

There were a number of reasons for sharing our cosmetics sort out. We wanted to share with you the cruelty free status of companies that we had products from and also gain your feedback and information on any companies that we hadn't managed to establish a status or has mistakenly placed in the wrong section.

As we said in our original post, we have personally decided not to use products from companies who themselves don't test on animals but are owned by a parent company that does. We are aware that not everyone shares our opinion on this and hence we placed them in the ambiguous zone in our product sort out just to make people aware of this.

Secondly it is really useful for us to have a product inventory to refer back to in order to help us know what we have, we will be working to use up the products not tested on animals first. For the purposes of this post everything in the ambiguous zone will be counted as non-cruelty free. If things change and we find new information on a company we will update you guys.

In our opinion the number of products we own is just ridiculous.. We want to cut down our collection and doing these posts has just reinforced that. Sometimes just looking at your products may not look like a lot but when you count everything up it really adds up!

Doing this sort out gave us a chance to go through all our products and reorganise everything. We are going to get rid of a few products, which we will share with you in tomorrow's post.

So let's get onto the numbers...Eek!

(Just a note that the numbers listed are for both our collections combined)



Cruelty-Free: 5 
Non Cruelty-Free: 34

Bath & Body:

Cruelty-Free:  17
Non Cruelty-Free: 37


Cruelty-Free: 0  
Non Cruelty-Free: 7 

Perfumes & Body Sprays:

Cruelty-Free: 1 
Non Cruelty-Free: 17 


Cruelty-Free: 2 
Non Cruelty-Free: 28 

Total: 148 (CF = 25) 



Cruelty-Free: 0  
Non Cruelty-Free: 21


Cruelty-Free: 2
Non Cruelty-Free: 17


Cruelty-Free: 8
Non Cruelty-Free: 38


Cruelty-Free: 11 
Non Cruelty-Free: 45


Cruelty-Free: 6
Non Cruelty-Free: 20

Nail Polish:

Cruelty-Free: 15
Non Cruelty-Free: 5

Total: 188 (CF = 42) 

Now it's time to start using up products!

Have you made the transition to cruelty-free cosmetics? We would love to hear your experience and how you went about it? 

Sita & Radha xoxo 


  1. interesting post..

  2. I thought this was an awesome project! I definitely commend you guys. It really made me aware. I don't have to take an inventory, because nearly all of mine fell on the darn cruelty list. I will have to do better buying. Thank you!

    1. Most of our products are tested on animals too so its definitely going to be a gradual process using up and replacing everything but it will definitely is worth it!

  3. So nice to see the final numbers.. from your posts I have learnt that the majority of the brands/ products I buy are tested on animals >_<

  4. I'm trying to transition to being cruelty free. It's been a challenge. The lure of new and exciting products from companies that test on animals is really strong sometimes. Deodorant has also been a sticking point for me. I'm not willing to walk around smelling bad all day, and the couple of CF deodorants I've tried just don't work.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your progress with your transition!

    1. I can see why deodorant would be a sticking point, I'm coming towards of the end of my deodorant and just this weekend have bought a new one, I'm yet to try it but hope it will work out!

  5. Hmm...that's just ridiculous! :( Buy products from Lush, they are awesome and NOT tested on animals! :) xx

  6. I am trying to switch to cruelty free brands as well…
    I don know about deodorants though…


  7. Everyone if you are looking for a deodorant that isn't natural and organic and too far away from what you are used to try Superdrugs own brand. They are identical to the likes of Sure but all Superdrugs own brand products are cruelty free & BUAV certified :-)

  8. Everyone if you are looking for a deodorant that isn't natural and organic and too far away from what you are used to try Superdrugs own brand. They are identical to the likes of Sure but all Superdrugs own brand products are cruelty free & BUAV certified :-)

  9. Great project. :) One thing I did was sort out the items that didn't pass my new standards into further categories. The first was keep and use up, second was throw out (usually cheap/old stuff I was hanging on to or things I had replacements for) and finally a donate pile. There's a great group called Give and Make up who take cosmetics and toiletries and distribute them to women and children in refuges across the UK. Might be something to look into if you're interested. Anyway, good luck cutting down your collection! You've got me wondering about the size of mine now! :) X

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely look into that group. :) x


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