Friday 6 April 2012

new job, home for easter, my easter bunny!

I started my new job on Wednesday, I was so nervous on Tuesday night, I had butterflies in my tummy and I couldn't get to sleep. I felt as thou it was my first day at school again! Even thou I was very nervous, I still felt excited at the same time. I was looking forward to starting a new challenge. After the first two days I have to say I do like my job and am looking forward to gaining further experience! (my new job is actually within the same organisation, but within another department, so I do already know a few of the people I'm working with, which makes things a bit easier!)

This weekend I'm back home to spend the Easter bank holiday with my family :) We have a bit of a family get together which should be fun! I'm hoping the weather improves and the sun comes out again because for the past few days it has been raining and cold all the time! It would be nice to make use of the garden!

Last but not least. Don't you just love my cute white chocolate Easter bunny?! How cute! right?! I actually just wanted to keep it was and couldn't bring myself to eat it because it was so cute! but then eventually I took a bite!

What are your plans for Easter? :) 


  1. Thanks for the comment it was daring but whats life without a little bit of fun? I plan on relaxing, and getting some hiking in :)

  2. We do not celebrate Easter here, so no such plans !
    but I love your Easter Bunny !
    Best of luck for your new job.

  3. such a big chocolate bunny! xx

  4. nothing because we don't celebrate Easter here :)
    thank u for your comment, and u're right, asians had cute things!
    mind to follow each other?


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