Thursday 5 April 2012

spring clean series: monthly resolutions

This post is a day late, but as they say better late then never! 

Every new years I make a list of resolutions, by February I can never remember them all. So this year I decided to do something different. I decided to focus on one resolution per month. This way I only have one thing to focus on and can spend my time working on that one resolution. Hopefully by the end of the month it's become a part of a routine and I can continue it on as well as adding something new the next month. 

This month I want to tackle my unhealthy eating habits that have developed due to a combination of working long hours and laziness to cook for one. My resolution for this month is to eat more fruit and veg. It's recommended that you eat 5 fruit and vegetables a day. If I'm entirely honest, I doubt that I get to 5 a day. 

I've decided to write down what I've eaten everyday in order to motivate me to try harder the next day and increase my number. 

My list for the first five days: 

Day 1 Banana * 2, Pear 
Day 2 Banana, Orange, juice  
Day 3 Spinach, Banana, Orange juice
Day 4 Spinach, Strawberry, Tomato, Grapes  
Day 5 Spinach, Banana, Tomato

Hopefully by the end of the month I will have eaten more than 5 a day!

If you do decide to try out doing monthly resolutions, I would love for you to share your resolution with me.  Maybe we can have an update at the end of the month! 

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