Saturday 13 October 2012

a new award

Hey guys! The lovely Cindi at Cherries and Sunflowers awarded us this blog award. We just want to say a huge thank you to her. She has a great blog so do check it out! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our followers for all your support that you have given us. Thank you guys, we really appreciate it! 

The rules basically are, you answer the 11 questions, make up your own 11 questions and pass it on to 11 other blogs, who do the same. So lets get into the questions! 

1. Which country is your favourite? (Can't chose your own)

Sita: New Zealand. I loved the two months I spent in New Zealand travelling, would love to go back. 

Radha: Switzerland. I went a few years ago on a field trip to visit CERN. I love the mix of the old city and new shops. I also enjoyed visiting the museums and the UN building.

2. What is your favourite food?

Sita: Indian food :) 

Radha: Indian food. In particular my mum's homemade cooking, you can't beat your mum's food.

3. If you won a million Euros, what would you do with the money?

Sita: Buy a house and a car and if there's any left over go on holiday. 

Radha: Take a sabbatical and travel around the world.

4. Is there a piece in your wardrobe, you know you'll never get tired of wearing?

Sita:  I have a go to little black dress tea dress, which I will never get tired of wearing and always bring out when I cant find anything to wear. My size hasn't changed over the past 10 years (although my style has!), so I guess a lot of pieces I have bought over the last few years, I will wear them until I have to chuck them before I get tired of wearing them. 

Radha: It's a abstract pattern dress I got from TK Maxx for £8. It's made from a stretchy material so fits even if I've put on some weight. It's smart so perfect for meetings or interviews too.

5. How long have you been reading blogs?

Sita: for the past 3-4 years

Radha:  Around 2 years

6. Who takes your photos?

Sita mainly does the photography for the blog.

7. What is your favourite movie?

Sita: I'm very bad at picking favourites, there are too many good films! 

Radha: Home alone. I never get tired of the movies, it takes me right back to my childhood and they're still funny everytime I watch them.

8. Do you do sports?

Sita: No, unless you call running for the bus a sport haha 

Radha: No sports but I do try to exercise to keep fit. 

9. How would you spend a grey and rainy afternoon?

Sita: It is actually a grey and rainy afternoon as I'm answering and i'm currently wrapped up in my duvet, I shall be watching a movie or catching up with a TV show after i'm done. I would say exactly what i'm doing now, either reading a book, watching a movie or a tv show catch up session.

Radha: Baking. It always cheers  me up and you get yummy treats to eat at end!

10. Which holiday do you like the most and why?

Sita: I love Christmas, I love watching Christmas movie's, and its also our gran's birthday on Christmas day so the whole family gets together and its nice to catch up with everyone. 

Radha: Diwali, I love getting together with family and enjoying amazing food. Then you've got the Indian New Year after which means going to families houses and enjoying more amazing food.

11. What is your favourite perfume?

Sita: Chanel No.5, I really like Gucci guilty and Prada milano as well. I also really love the Bodyshop rose perfume oil, I like to use that on a daily basis. 

Radha: I'm currently using Le petit robe noir and Chanel No.5 is a classic.

The blogs we would like to pass the award on to:

Our Questions for them:

  • Do you prefer reading books or watching films? 
  • What's your current favourite song? 
  • What's your one pet peeve? 
  • Name one quote you try to live by.
  • If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?
  • What's your occupation? or if you are a student what are you studying? 
  • White, milk or dark chocolate? 
  • What's the craziest thing you've ever done? 
  • What's your favourite hobby? 
  • Name one item your currently lusting over. 
  • What's your biggest fear? 

  • We shall look forward to reading your replies :) 

    Sita & Radha xoxo 


    1. Thanks for the award dears, I ' ll try to answer your questions the next weeks!
      Good night!

    2. congrats!!


    3. Congradulations and thank you so much for nominating me! I really enjoy reading your blog so it means a lot to me. I will have my answers up today or tomorrow.

      p.s. I love New Zealand too <3

    4. Congrats on your award!! Keep up the great work!! :)

      xo - Sheila

    5. you have an amazing blog! congrats for the award!

    6. Thank you Radha and Sita..:)
      Congrats and thank you for the award,, i loved reading your answers and get to know you guys more.

    7. Congratulations girls!
      It's so nice that your answers are different!

    8. thank u so much. I am so thrilled ! gonna reply to all these soon on my blog !

    9. Oh my word I love Home Alone. It is a family tradition of mine to watch that every Single Christmas :) classic. I love all those dresses on your side panel, where did find them? you girls have cute taste.

      zThe House of Shoes

    10. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Thank you so much for the award! That's so sweet of you :) and I really enjoyed reading your answers! :)

    12. Sorry I did nt recd of ur follow

      Hello nice blog

      Appreciate if u can follow me

      Followed n be my friend

    13. oh <3 thank you!

    14. This is so cool :)
      Thank you so much Radha and Sita...

    15. thank you sweeties! a million times! xx


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    If you have any questions or post suggestions that you would like to see then feel free to email us ( or ask us on twitter (@ButtonsApart).