Wednesday 7 March 2012

my introduction

Tomorrow I turn twenty five, and what better way to mark the occasion then to start a blog, and because of the magnitude of creativity skills I possess i've entitled the blog twenty-five! 

What inspired me to start a blog you may ask, well I shall tell you (even thou you may not ask). Today I attended a careers skill workshop. To cut the story short, because I do have a tendency to ramble, one of the activities during the day involved pretending the date was March 7th 2017, and we had to describe where we were not only in our professional lives but also in our personal lives. Doing this activity made me think about what I wanted to achieve in the next five years before I turn thirty, and when the time comes would I have achieved or done any of the things I wanted to do. I love reading other blogs, and I have always thought about starting one myself, as I feel it is a great way to document everyday life and share my thoughts and ideas. Up until now it was just a thought but today I have been motivated to make the thought into a reality. Hopefully I can carry this on! It would be absolutely lovely to look back on 5 years worth of posts, pictures and memories and to see how I have grown and how my life has developed as it was approaching midnight on march 7th 2017, and I was about to turn thirty! And of course to look back and see if I have achieved my bucket list! (blog post coming soon!). 

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